Culture Chula


項目特色:泰國龍頭上市發展商Ananda 項目|信心保證1至3房複式|4.3特高樓底Ascott酒店級管理服務3分鐘到𝑩𝑻𝑺 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒂 𝑫𝒂𝒆𝒏𝒈及𝑴𝑹𝑻 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒎站5分鐘到Siam Paragon 、 CentralWorld等六大購物商場位於 主幹道Rama4、 近Sathorn CBD及大學城米芝蓮食府、國際連鎖酒店雲集2分鐘 到泰版馬會:Royal Bangkok Sports Club 無邊際泳池、24小時辦公空間188萬港元起|租金回報達 6%*

曼谷第一學府圈內最新時尚項目Culture Chula ,24小時工作空間讓「數碼遊牧」 Digital Nomad隨時舒適遙距工作。

曼谷Culture Chula由泰國上市發展商Ananda打造, Ashton Hawks獨家代理。

🔥租金回報料達 6%*🔥

新盤屬Silom-Samyan 區最新項目,位於商業中心區及大學城,料區內租客超過100萬人。

朱拉隆功大學 泰國排名第一學府

Chula University ranked No.1. university in Thailand for 8 consecutive years by QS World University Rankings 2021.  Currently, there are nearly 40,000 students including a certain percentage of overseas students in the university.New students enter school every semester and they must find a place to call home. A college town should provide you with a large pool of prospective tenants from which to choose.The high demand for rentals in these locations can keep rental prices in the area strong even when other parts of the housing market are failing. And off-campus housing is often paid for by students’ parents or even by the college itself, so you might be able to get more rent for the property than they otherwise could.


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    Tags: 2023 march / apartment / Ashton Chula house / Bangkok condo / Bangkok house / Bangkok property / baseheight / duplex / loft / recovery / sansiri / siam paragon / thailand / villa / 泰國地產 / 清邁買樓 / 移民泰國