2011年至2023年,公寓價格平均增長5.25%。其中項目位於卡圖區的平均呎價為港幣1,700,而芭東區及中區平均呎價已升福至港幣1,800及港幣2,000,可見未來The Origin Kathu-Patong有極高潛在升幅。
Origin Property PCL 是第一個海外發展商讓投資者可以組合2個單位。例如 購買2間Leisure suite(28 平方米), 你可以擁有比Ocean suite (47平方米) 更大的size。
Ashton Hawks proudly brings you to The Origin Kathu-Patong, located in the heart of the thriving district Kathu. The Origin Kathu Patong is the latest freehold low-rise luxurious condos, offering you a high standard of luxury living in the tropical paradise. Origin Property PCL collaborates with the famous local developer – Phuket Villa this time. Prices from HKD 490K* with an estimated rental yields up to 8% p.a.*, making it an attractive market for investment. Most importantly, the developer’s previous project — The Origin Centre Phuket has been sold out within 6 weeks since it launched. It is competitive that there were another 5 condominiums have been sold out in Kathu zone, we believe the future profit return is fantastic.
15-mins Life Circle :
- 5-mins drive to the largest WaterPark– Andamanda Phuket
- 10-mins to the famous Patong Beach
- 10-mins to Supermarkets and Megamalls, e.g.
Lotus Phuket、Big C Phuket and The Central Phuket - 10-mins drice to Golfclub —Red Mountain Club
- 15-mins to the Bangkok Siriroj Hospital and Bangkok Hospital Phuket
Andamanda Phuket is the biggest waterpark in Phuket
The Origin Kathu Patong 為您提供各種私人設施,如 70米長的游泳池、兒童游泳池、花園庭院、按摩浴缸、派對區、活動草坪、會所、24/7 健身房、辦公空間、屋頂花園、空中草坪、慢跑跑道等。項目設計創新,的自然美景和奢華的宮廷裝飾,是自然與皇家主義生活方式的完美結合。另外,們更提供合併相連特色戶,總面積高達 56 平方米。送限量傢俬及裝修,數量有限,先到先得。

輕鬆前往普吉島所有著名的海灘 – 芭東海灘、自由海灘、卡蘭海灘和卡塔海灘。

未來的高級綜合商場Blu Pearl Phuket將相計落成
8 項目特色
Developed by the renowned listed company – Origin Property PCL
High rental yields among SEA Properties – From HKD 490K and rental yield of 8%*
Limited Foreign Quota on a First-come-first-serve basis
Rare Freehold Condos
Situated between the exotic OLD TOWN & Patong Beach
Pool-access units which is first in Phuket Condo
Offered spacious combined units up to 731sqm.
15-mins Life Circle
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