【Congratulation】Ashton Hawks awarded the Best Property Agency / Consultancy Hong Kong at the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2024-2025

Ashton Hawks has introduced different international property investment opportunities to worldwide investors, with the opening offices in Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand to support the growing need for sourcing and managing real estate investment portfolios for valued clients.
This year, Ashton Hawks is honored to be awarded. It is highly professional and recognized in the overseas property market and the high achievement which is recognised as a mark of excellence for property professionals. Thanks again to Asia Pacific Property Awards for their affirmation and support to us. This is a great honor and encouragement for us. We will continue to work hard to provide customers with more high-quality international properties and our professional services.
Ashton Hawks will search for the most suitable overseas high-quality properties for you. If you have any inquiries about properties investment, rental management, and mortgage consultation, please


這是一次富有啟發性且成功的活動,我們有機會展示最新項目——曼徹斯特 W Residences。頂級媒體專業人士和專家齊聚一堂,了解有關創新發展的更多信息,房間充滿了活力。特別感謝 Salboy、Relentless Developments 以及所有加入我們的媒體代表。
歡迎於 2023 年 11 月 18 日至 19 日在香港文華東方酒店參觀位於聖邁克爾的曼徹斯特第一品牌住宅。
時間:上午11點(中文) | 2pm (廣東話) 及 4pm (廣東話)
WhatsApp RSVP: https://wa.link/t309eg
電話查詢:5226 1138

【投資阿聯酋】10月25日,阿布達比領先的房地產開發商之一Aldar Properties舉辦了一場備受期待的盛大活動,展示了他們最新、最重要的房地產產品。該活動不僅推出了令人驚嘆的房產,還為房地產經紀人提供了一個獨特的平台,讓他們在蓬勃發展的阿布達比房地產市場中探索令人興奮的機會。讓我們深入了解這場壯觀的 Aldar Properties 活動的亮點。 Ashton Hawks的經紀人有幸見到了Aldar Properties的所有核心成員,美國著名房地產經紀人、作家Tracy Tutor女士,以及Sama Tea聯合創始人Jay Shetty先生。
Aldar Properties 在阿布達比提供卓越的房產和無與倫比的投資機會。從揭曉令人驚嘆的房產到提供獨家預售和促銷活動,該活動證明了 Aldar 致力於提供創新、可持續和豪華的生活和工作空間。
日期: 2023年11月4-5日(星期六至日)
時間: 12pm (中文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
地點: 香港銅鑼灣柏寧飯店27樓
查詢:5226 1138


奧漢國際物業榮獲HKCT Business Award 2023 頒發之傑出海外物業代理大獎
今年奧漢國際物業很榮幸在2023年9月榮獲HKCT Business Award 2023 頒發之傑出海外物業代理大獎,備受海外物業市場專業及認受性。再次感謝HKCT對我們的肯定和支持,這對我們來說是一份極大的榮耀和鞭策,我們將繼續努力,為客戶提供更多優質國際物業和專業服務。
評審根据企業的企業成就+市場競爭+品牌理念+專業地位這四項評審標準去評出<HKCT Business Awards 2023>的得獎企業。
- 獎項官方網站:https://hkct-awards.com/articles/59
- 官方Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/hkct.asia
- 由港專多位業界專家組成的獨立評審團進行評審。
- 評審重點在於品質、服務、創新、原創性和對永續發展的承諾作為首要主題。
Ashton Hawks 為你搜攞最適合你的海外優質物業,如有查詢有關靚盤自住或投資、租賃管理、按揭諮詢Whatsapp/查詢 : 5226 1138

今年奧漢國際物業很榮幸在2023年5月15日榮獲Business Focus Award 2023 頒發之傑出海外物業代理大獎,備受海外物業市場專業及認受性。再次感謝Business Focus對我們的肯定和支持,這對我們來說是一份極大的榮耀和鞭策,我們將繼續努力,為客戶提供更多優質國際物業和專業服務。
評審根据企業的企業成就+市場競爭+品牌理念+專業地位這四項評審標準去評出<Business Focus Awards 2023>的得獎企業。
關於Business Focus Award 2023
- 官方獎項網站: https://businessfocus.io/campaign/award2022/tidbit
- 官方Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=188404580775624&extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=2Rb1fB&ref=sharing
- 由Business Focus多位行業專家組成的獨立評判團評判。
- 評判側重於質量、服務、創新、原創性和對可持續性的承諾為大前題。
Ashton Hawks 為你搜攞最適合你的海外優質物業,如有查詢有關靚盤自住或投資、租賃管理、按揭諮詢Whatsapp/查詢 : 5226 1138


Golden Emperor執行董事及合伙人任亦行表示,在疫情中,越南股市及樓市表現秀麗,不少資金留在內循環,令胡志明市第一郡樓價按年升近6.8%。早前越南樓市受惠於中美貿易戰,再加上不少全球頂尖的企業將生產線由中國遷至越南以分散風險,帶動該國的經濟於疫情下仍然錄得不俗增長,而中產人口冉冉上升,刺激優質住宅需求,河內及胡志明市樓價逆市「破頂」。
發展商:外資設廠 刺激住宅需求
峴港位處於越南最中心的沿海地段,乘飛機到河內或胡志明市兩大主要城市均只需約1時10分鐘,而前往香港約2小時航程,峴港的三大產業,包括旅遊業、製造業及船運業。發展商Filmore集團主席Danny Nguyen表示:「峴港的三大產業推動經濟之餘,亦帶動人均收入增加,令中產人口近年不斷上升。再加上不少外資於當地設廠,如LG及Fujikin等亦在峴港設立研發基地或生產線,外籍僱員大增,刺激峴港市中心優質住宅的需求。」
Golden Emperor首席執官賴遠方說:「峴港未來將會有不少大型基建,最矚目的是計劃中的峴港至海安鐵路,耗資金額達20億美元,現在處於工程招標階段,通車後將會鞏固峴港為中部交通樞紐的重要地位,吸引更多旅客及外資。」
Filmore現推出峴港新樓盤The Filmore Da Nang,由Golden Emperor、Asia Bankers Club及Ashton Hawks合作代理,定價由220萬港元起,單位面積由484方呎起。
環球樓市.明報記者 龍彩霞

Asia Bankers Club founder and chief executive Kingston Lai sees future potential in property markets in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, New York City, Manchester – but he has reservations about London and cities in Australia.
In addition to the investment club targeting bankers and professionals, Lai also controls Ashton Hawks and Golden Emperor Properties, which aim at high net worth individuals and retail investors, respectively, for overseas real estate.
Amid a number of uncertainties, Lai reckons real estate buyers need to think twice. “But the more uncertainty people see from the trade war, the more they are interested in properties in Vietnam, where more manufacturers are expected to move from China.” He says a recent project in HCMC received an overwhelming response.
“Even if the Hong Kong property market were to fall, would flats now valued at HK$10 million plunge to HK$5 million? However, two-room apartments sized between 700 and 1,000 square feet in district 2 and 4 in HCMC cost around HK$2 million and they have the potential to rise further.”
He compares these areas to Sheung Wan, close to the central business district. Apartments further away from the CBD cost around HK$1.2 million only.
Property prices in HCMC have risen on average 15 percent a year over the past three years, compared with as much as 30 percent a year in Bangkok several years ago, says Lai. On average, there is 8 percent gross rental yield in HCMC, he says.
District 1 is the traditional CBD and district 3 is where many embassies and historical buildings are located. Investors have been looking at districts 2 and 4. Last month, the HCMC administration decided that no high-rise apartment projects in districts 1 and 3 will be approved until 2020. Lai expects supply to be even tighter.
He is also bullish on the property market in Hanoi, where Samsung, Apple and Microsoft have invested. The World Bank projected GDP growth in Vietnam to be 6.8 percent in 2018 and 6.5 percent in 2019.
Although Koreans and Japanese are the top foreign investors in Vietnam, Lai says they are not keen on buying properties, unlike Hong Kong and mainland Chinese, who can rent the flats to them. “You can compare HCMC and Hanoi with Shanghai and Beijing, respectively, but we are yet to find a Shenzhen in Vietnam,” Lai says.
Overseas people can buy property in Vietnam and sell or lease it to locals and foreigners. A 50-year leasehold ownership will be given to foreigners with renewal possibility.
When buying a property in Vietnam, investors are subject to 0.5 percent stamp duty. For rental income, they are subject to about 10 percent income tax. If they want to sell the property, 2 percent personal income tax of the selling price will be charged.
Foreigners need to have a bank account in Vietnam and need to sign the sales agreement in person. Mortgages are not available. He says the firm has helped a client to gain about 16 percent to buy and sell a property in Vietnam within a year.
Lai, a Malaysian Chinese, says it takes time to assess the political situation back home. He adds that properties in Singapore are too expensive to buy.
Investors in Thailand property should be cautious. Lai says that a studio in Bangkok near a metro station costs between HK$1 million and HK$2 million, while those costing only HK$500,000 may be in very remote areas that will be difficult to sell or rent out.
As for developed markets, Lai sees potential in New York City.
Sellers have been cutting prices there with less demand due to a tax reform that changes the mortgage interest and property tax deduction, making home ownership less attractive.
While this also applies to foreigners, Lai says some Hong Kong buyers note that the US-HK dollar peg minimizes currency risk. They expect long-term capital gain in New York City center, where there is continuing redevelopment and population growth.
Despite the interest among locals for London homes, Lai is cautious in the wake of Brexit and the high costs of investing there. He sees more potential in Manchester, which he believes could be a future London, Liverpool and Birmingham.
In Australia, Lai says banks will only provide construction financing to developers if they have sold a substantial amount of an uncompleted project. He worries some developers may struggle.
He also sees potential in Japanese real estate but the company does not have expertise there. “We only sell projects that we can manage. We sell about 1,000 units a year. We try our best to ensure customers’ properties are well-managed and can be rented out,” he says. “Selling projects by major developers is one of the ways in which we have peace of mind.”
He and his team carry out due diligence and even buy properties themselves to experience the process. Six months were spent studying the property market in Vietnam before identifying projects.
Ashton Hawks and Golden Emperor Properties serve clients with different needs.
“If you tell me HK$1 million cash is all that you have, I won’t tell you to place it all into a property in Vietnam.
“Instead, we have helped a retired customer to spend HK$500,000 to buy a condo in Thailand for his own use and the rest for his spending.
“Customers like bankers may bet on some properties in Southeast Asia and at the same time invest in London, or New York City, for long-term stable growth.”
Source: The Standard
Vietnam has developed vigorously in recent years. Although the COVID-19 epidemic and the Sino-US trade war have shaken the world, the Asian Development Bank is still optimistic that Vietnam’s GDP growth will rebound from 4.8% last year, a “V-shaped” rebound to 6.8% this year; and Singapore’s DBS Bank even predicts , by 2029, Vietnam’s economic size will surpass Singapore’s. Currently, Vietnam has signed trade agreements with more than ten countries, including China, Australia and Japan. Among them, Ho Chi Minh City not only has a superior geographical location, but also is the main driving force of Vietnam’s economy and has the advantage of developing a financial center. District 1 of Ho Chi Minh City is the heart of the city and its core business district. It is the economic, trade, financial and administrative center of Ho Chi Minh City.

Grand Marina, Saigon is the world’s largest branded residential project managed by Marriott International, and it is also the first branded residential project in Vietnam’s dynamic real estate market. A new landmark project located in a diamond-grade location in Ho Chi Minh City, launched by Ashton Hawks for public sale in Hong Kong.
Grand Marina, Saigon, a Marriott International brand residence developed by Masterise Homes, is located on a large piece of land on the north bank of the Saigon River in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. This large-scale development project covering an area of 10 hectares combines luxury residences, office buildings, commercial real estate and an 850-meter-long waterfront promenade. It will bring a new impetus to the economic and community development of Ho Chi Minh City and attract global companies and high-net-worth individuals. Attention.

Grand Marina, Saigon combines luxury residences, offices, commercial properties and an 850-meter long seaside promenade.
Riverside mansion with excellent facilities
Grand Marina, Saigon, the first and largest branded residential project of Masterise Homes, has 8 riverside residential buildings surrounded by a beautiful park plaza. At the same time, you can enjoy the high-quality life experience and fashionable life provided by Marriott, redefining luxury and high-quality life in Vietnam.
Grand Marina, Saigon is located in the iconic area of District 1 of Ho Chi Minh City. In addition to enjoying an unparalleled riverside environment advantage, the property is within easy reach of high-quality schools, restaurants, shopping strips and future subway stations, where culture, business and entertainment converge. The transportation is convenient and it fully meets the needs of middle-class and wealthy people for high-quality life.

Grand Marina, Saigon is located in the city center at Ba Son Station, a few minutes’ walk away, and the transportation is convenient.
Surrounded by gardens and adjacent to the railway
Grand Marina, Saigon is the first hotel-branded concept residence in Vietnam. It is tailor-made in terms of facilities, services and lifestyle quality. Its ingenious design and the support of a well-known international hotel group make this high-quality project It can bring together the taste of life and the wealthy population.
The characteristic of branded residential projects is that in addition to providing high-quality life, this conceptual residence has flexibility and value in the market. Grand Marina, Saigon is located in the most ideal location in Ho Chi Minh City. It not only enjoys the vast beauty of Saigon River, but also provides high-quality facilities and services that meet the living needs of the wealthy population. At present, Vietnam’s middle-class and wealthy population continues to increase, and the demand for high-quality residences continues to rise. In addition, new supply in the region is very tight. The supply exceeds demand, which means that such brand residences will highlight their unique value.
Vietnam’s first hotel concept residential landmark
Mr. Jason Turnbull, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Masterise Homes, said: “Masterise Homes has always prided itself on creating impeccable and valuable real estate projects. Each project is not just a pure development real estate project, but one that can be passed down from generation to generation. A precious property passed down from generation to generation. Grand Marina, Saigon, which is comparable to a gem, was born under this purpose and vision. It is the first residential project in Vietnam with the Marriott hotel brand concept. This historic landmark Bason located on the river bank will It has become a new landmark in Vietnam and one of the iconic projects in the world. We are proud to introduce this unique project to the Hong Kong market.”
Mr. Lai Yuanfang, founder and CEO of Ashton Hawks, said: “With strong economic and trade development, Hong Kong people have a certain understanding and confidence in Vietnam’s real estate market. We believe that branded residences can definitely withstand the test of market challenges. Over time, and environmental changes, it can still maintain its true value. We are very happy to work with Masterise Homes to introduce Grand Marina, Saigon, this distinguished residence to the Hong Kong market. This is a rare opportunity. The project completely pushes luxury living to the extreme. It is the definition of high-net-worth individuals’ quality of life and asset value.”
Ashton Hawks will hold a special lecture to introduce Grand Marina, Saigon at the Hong Kong Marriott Hotel on March 27 and 28. At that time, he will comprehensively explain the impact of the growth of Vietnam’s luxury market on branded residences.

It consists of 8 riverside residential buildings, of which “Lake Tower” is expected to provide 433 units.

Grand Marina, Saigon is located on the banks of the Saigon River.

The project enjoys vast and beautiful river views.

The project is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City and is uniquely positioned to become a landmark in the district.
Vietnam has developed vigorously in recent years. Although the COVID-19 epidemic and the Sino-US trade war have shaken the world, the Asian Development Bank is still optimistic that Vietnam’s GDP growth will rebound from 4.8% last year, a “V-shaped” rebound to 6.8% this year; and Singapore’s DBS Bank even predicts , by 2029, Vietnam’s economic size will surpass Singapore’s. Currently, Vietnam has signed trade agreements with more than ten countries, including China, Australia and Japan. Among them, Ho Chi Minh City not only has a superior geographical location, but also is the main driving force of Vietnam’s economy and has the advantage of developing a financial center. District 1 of Ho Chi Minh City is the heart of the city and its core business district. It is the economic, trade, financial and administrative center of Ho Chi Minh City.

Grand Marina, Saigon is the world’s largest branded residential project managed by Marriott International, and it is also the first branded residential project in Vietnam’s dynamic real estate market. A new landmark project located in a diamond-grade location in Ho Chi Minh City, launched by Ashton Hawks for public sale in Hong Kong.
Grand Marina, Saigon, a Marriott International brand residence developed by Masterise Homes, is located on a large piece of land on the north bank of the Saigon River in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. This large-scale development project covering an area of 10 hectares combines luxury residences, office buildings, commercial real estate and an 850-meter-long waterfront promenade. It will bring a new impetus to the economic and community development of Ho Chi Minh City and attract global companies and high-net-worth individuals. Attention.

Grand Marina, Saigon combines luxury residences, offices, commercial properties and an 850-meter long seaside promenade.
Riverside mansion with excellent facilities
Grand Marina, Saigon, the first and largest branded residential project of Masterise Homes, has 8 riverside residential buildings surrounded by a beautiful park plaza. At the same time, you can enjoy the high-quality life experience and fashionable life provided by Marriott, redefining luxury and high-quality life in Vietnam.
Grand Marina, Saigon is located in the iconic area of District 1 of Ho Chi Minh City. In addition to enjoying an unparalleled riverside environment advantage, the property is within easy reach of high-quality schools, restaurants, shopping strips and future subway stations, where culture, business and entertainment converge. The transportation is convenient and it fully meets the needs of middle-class and wealthy people for high-quality life.

Grand Marina, Saigon is located in the city center at Ba Son Station, a few minutes’ walk away, and the transportation is convenient.
Surrounded by gardens and adjacent to the railway
Grand Marina, Saigon is the first hotel-branded concept residence in Vietnam. It is tailor-made in terms of facilities, services and lifestyle quality. Its ingenious design and the support of a well-known international hotel group make this high-quality project It can bring together the taste of life and the wealthy population.
The characteristic of branded residential projects is that in addition to providing high-quality life, this conceptual residence has flexibility and value in the market. Grand Marina, Saigon is located in the most ideal location in Ho Chi Minh City. It not only enjoys the vast beauty of Saigon River, but also provides high-quality facilities and services that meet the living needs of the wealthy population. At present, Vietnam’s middle-class and wealthy population continues to increase, and the demand for high-quality residences continues to rise. In addition, new supply in the region is very tight. The supply exceeds demand, which means that such brand residences will highlight their unique value.

Vietnam’s first hotel concept residential landmark
Mr. Jason Turnbull, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Masterise Homes, said: “Masterise Homes has always prided itself on creating impeccable and valuable real estate projects. Each project is not just a pure development real estate project, but one that can be passed down from generation to generation. A precious property passed down from generation to generation. Grand Marina, Saigon, which is comparable to a gem, was born under this purpose and vision. It is the first residential project in Vietnam with the Marriott hotel brand concept. This historic landmark Bason located on the river bank will It has become a new landmark in Vietnam and one of the iconic projects in the world. We are proud to introduce this unique project to the Hong Kong market.”
Mr. Lai Yuanfang, founder and CEO of Ashton Hawks, said: “With strong economic and trade development, Hong Kong people have a certain understanding and confidence in Vietnam’s real estate market. We believe that branded residences can definitely withstand the test of market challenges. Over time, and environmental changes, it can still maintain its true value. We are very happy to work with Masterise Homes to introduce Grand Marina, Saigon, this distinguished residence to the Hong Kong market. This is a rare opportunity. The project completely pushes luxury living to the extreme. It is the definition of high-net-worth individuals’ quality of life and asset value.”
Ashton Hawks will hold a special lecture to introduce Grand Marina, Saigon at the Hong Kong Marriott Hotel on March 27 and 28. At that time, he will comprehensively explain the impact of the growth of Vietnam’s luxury market on branded residences.

It consists of 8 riverside residential buildings, of which “Lake Tower” is expected to provide 433 units.

Grand Marina, Saigon is located on the banks of the Saigon River.

The project enjoys vast and beautiful river views.

The project enjoys vast and beautiful river views.

The project is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City and is uniquely positioned to become a landmark in the district.

The project is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City and is uniquely positioned to become a landmark in the district.

Grand Marina, Saigon
在3 月16 日舉行的新聞發布會上,Ashton Hawks 介紹了世界上最大的萬豪品牌公寓– 西貢Grand Marina,這是一處豪華房產,憑藉其在胡志明市無與倫比的海濱位置,有望成為該市最令人嚮往且最具代表性的住宅地址明市第 1 區。
該開發案是越南城市品牌住宅概念的先驅,是一個佔地 10 公頃的大型河濱綜合體,擁有超豪華住宅、辦公和商業地產,旁邊還有一條 850 公尺長的地標海濱長廊。八棟華麗的住宅大樓矗立在寧靜的海濱,俯瞰著西貢河的迷人景色。 西貢濱海大酒店不僅提供豐富的便利設施、量身訂製的服務和生活方式優惠,更讓您每天都能享受萬豪現代生活的終極體驗。該開發案是萬豪國際集團全球最大的品牌住宅項目,也是該公司首次進軍越南高度活躍的品牌住宅市場領域。居民可以利用無與倫比的便利條件前往城市的文化和商業中心,全國最好的學校、餐廳和購物目的地都在門口。附近即將開通的地鐵線將讓您輕鬆前往整個城市。
Masterise Homes 副董事總經理兼財務長 Jason Turnbull 先生表示,他很自豪能夠將這一獨一無二的項目引入香港,因為它將成為越南的新地標和全球地標。他補充說:“西貢位於巴森的遺產地標—皇冠上的明珠大碼頭,其誕生的願景是按照無可挑剔的標準打造精緻的房地產開發項目—這一遺產可以代代相傳。”
Ashton Hawks 創辦人兼行政總裁賴衰方先生指出,越南房地產市場潛力巨大,香港對越南房地產市場並不陌生。 「我們相信品牌住宅能夠經受住衝擊和挑戰,並隨著時間的推移保持其價值,」他強調。
「西貢 Grand Marina 是一個難得的機會,可以滿足所有條件,特別是對於那些希望透過另一項獎杯資產來擴大投資組合的精明和富裕人士來說。」賴總結道 「我們很高興與 Masterise Homes 合作,將西貢 Grand Marina 提供給香港及其他地區。」