Author Archives: admin_silvia

您的寧靜綠洲 • 阿布扎比奢華海濱生活 Gardenia Bay by Aldar


日期:2024年4月27日至28日(六和日) – 下午12點 – 晚上7點

  • 第一節:下午 2:00 – 下午 4:00(英文)
  • 第二場:下午 4:00 – 下午 6:00(粵語)


嘉賓: 摩根士丹利前執行董事 Kingston Lai



根據阿布扎比統計局的數據,2022年,阿布扎比GDP相較2021年成長了9.3%,成為中東和北非地區成長最快的經濟體。阿布札比的經濟命脈主要寄託在石油和天然氣產業之上,事實上, 阿布扎比領導人早早就開始推動多元化經濟發展策略,鼓勵發展旅遊、金融、科技及房地產等新興產業的發展,以為其經濟注入新活力。

✔超過 90% 的福布斯全球 2000 強企業的總部位於阿聯酋
✔第一個國家貨運和客運鐵路網絡 - 阿提哈德鐵路連接七個酋長國,阿布扎比政府擁有 70% 的股份

平衡生活的理想家園 – Ashton Hawks 獨家代理為你隆重介紹,由阿聯酋首屈一指發展商Aldar Properties 呈獻,於亞斯島島上的最新開放式、一房至三房公寓Gardenia Bay by Aldar第二期,首張價單開售價由港幣170萬起。該發展商強調綠色基礎設施和步行便利性,促進健康的生活方式。大型規劃過最佳建築方法去減少猛烈的陽光,減少太大熱量直接照射住客,並提供 10 公里長的河景,提供了一個盡量減少車輛通行的環境。 想像在樹葉輕柔的沙沙聲和鳥兒悠揚的鳴叫聲中醒來,在這個寧靜的天堂裡,是一種奢侈的專貴享受。
擁抱寧靜的生活和綠色的運河邊生活- Gardenia Bay的住客可盡情享受社區內的沙灘、原始潟湖和綠色公園中。 積極鼓勵住客可以進行戶外運動、在花園裡冥想等等。 它毗鄰亞斯公園和亞斯島標誌性景點,如亞斯購物中心、阿布札比法拉利世界和阿布札比海洋世界,提供非凡的生活體驗。 住客更可輕鬆前往阿布札比國際機場以及連接薩迪亞特島和杜拜的主要高速公路。


  • 僅5分鐘車程到法拉利世界
  • 7分鐘車程到亞斯商場
  • 10分鐘車程到亞斯水上樂園
  • 11分鐘車程到華納兄弟世界
  • 15分鐘車程到哈利發城
  • 15分鐘車程到阿布札比國際機場


✦  Gardenia Bay By Aldar 提供開放式、一房至三房公寓,更多靚則單位詳請請聯絡我們了解更多

Gardenia Bay擁有最豪華的會所設施,包括海灘和海灘俱樂部、游泳池、公園、共享辦公空間、會議室、瑜伽艙、咖啡館和餐廳、共享餐飲和娛樂空間、狗公園、健身步道、清真寺、私人電影院、燒烤和健身房。
如果您在阿布札比尋求高品質的生活方式,Gardenia Bay絕對是您的首選。

✦ 發展商Aldar 計畫促進身心健康, 將自然主題帶入公寓,並配備一流的設施,包括人工海灘泳池、水療中心、共享辦公空間、健身房、綠色步道和其他戶外設施。

Gardenia Bay By Aldar 的10 個亮點

  • 香港獨家代理首張價單優惠 | 首付僅5% 
  • 首期只需繳5% | 租金回報達10%* 
  • 永久業權|限量海外配額
  • 阿布札比亞斯島市中心的黃金地段
  • 擁有風景優美的花園、翠綠的公園和寧靜的水景
  • 世界一流的設施| 從最先進的健身中心和游泳池到兒童遊樂區和專用燒烤場
  • 良好基礎設施 | 學校、醫院、購物中心和旅遊景點數之不盡
  • 對永續發展的承諾| 融入了環保功能,從節能係統到節水措施
  • 由阿布扎比最大的開發商 Aldar 創建,他們的項目都是阿聯酋政府發展計劃的重心支柱
  • 預計 2027 年第三季落成,預計為投資者帶來可觀收入

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環抱綠意景致 凝聚鄰里新氣息




牛津是英國最繁榮的經濟體之一,未來前景光明。根據 Demos-PwC 的一份報告,它被公認為經濟成功和整體福祉方面名列前茅的英國城市。

毫無疑問,大學在牛津大學的成就中發揮核心作用。尤其是牛津大學,是牛津郡最大的單一雇主,擁有近 14,000 名員工。然而,牛津大學的成功不僅限於學術界。該市擁有蓬勃發展的工業,提供高薪就業機會並為其前瞻性經濟做出貢獻。健康、教育、研究、技術和出版等行業都很突出,約翰拉德克利夫醫院等機構是英國最大的 NHS 教學信託基金之一的一部分,以其卓越的臨床表現而聞

值得注意的是,牛津作為世界上最具代表性的汽車之一 Mini 的誕生地,在汽車史上佔有特殊的地位。位於考利的 Mini Plant Oxford 每天生產 1,000 輛 Mini,數量驚人,是市內最大的私人雇主之一。

至於人口,牛津目前約有 155,000 名居民。牛津市議會報告稱,該市人口正在快速增長,每十年增加 15,000 人,凸顯了生活在這個充滿活力和繁榮的城市的吸引力和吸引力。

  • Cherwell 的一項調查發現,2023 年牛津大學的平均租金漲幅為 8.62%。
  • 聖彼得學院租金上漲,達到 12%。
  • 沃德姆是另一所面臨租金大幅上漲的學院, 在最初增加 14% 。




  • 牛津新創新區
  • 旨在支持和發展完整的科技生態系統
  • 提供新創、成長和客製化總部空間的組合
  • 以永續發展為主導的設計—比其他地方好 40%
  • 為居民、租戶和遊客精心策劃 24/7 設施、活動和福利優惠
  • 與牛津和牛津郡的龐大人才庫有良好的聯繫
  • 透過建築工作、供應鏈和未來職業促進經濟發展
  • 牛津未來社區
  • 提供近100 萬平方英尺的實驗室和工作空間、480 套新住宅(私人住宅和經濟適用房)、酒店、托兒所、便利設施、三個新公園以及對可持續出行的重大投資,這將是一個致力於創造更美好未來的社區。
  • 牛津北區將連結學術界和商業、發明和投資。
  • 耗資 7 億英鎊的「創新區」三座大型實驗室和辦公大樓的規劃申請已獲得批准。
  • 總體規劃包括:
    – 64 英畝的住宅、工作空間、實驗室和商業建築。
    – 936,500平方英尺的實驗室和工作空間
    – 4500 個新職位
    – 480 間私人且經濟適用的新住宅(317 套位於 Canalside Quarter)

Canalside Quarter - The Penrose & Brenner Building 簡介

Canalside Quarter 是牛津北區的一部分,牛津北區是牛津充滿活力的新區,也是一個繁榮的社區,您可以在這裡生活和交流、工作和娛樂、積極活動並獲得靈感等等。 Canalside Quarter 提供從一房到三房公寓以及三房到五房別墅等各種住宅選擇,讓您有機會以清新、現代和鼓舞人心的方式享受這座偉大城市的所有好處。這是牛津生活的未來。


  • 香港獨家代理 | 首張價單 
  • 永久業權|限量海外配額
  • 起價 36 萬英鎊起
  • 牛津市中心的黃金地段 
  • 寧靜而鬱鬱蔥蔥的環境 | 運河邊區 (Canalside Quarter) 的 360 度綠化景觀令人驚嘆不已
  • 良好基礎設施 | 學校、醫院、購物中心和旅遊景點數之不盡
  • 對永續發展的承諾 | 具備環保功能
  • 由最大的開發商-The Hill創建
  • 預計於 2025 年春季移交,預計將為投資者帶來最高的品質、租金收益率和投資回報率

Canalside Quarter 是牛津北部的住宅區,位於牛津北部,可輕鬆前往 Oxford Parkway 和 Oxford 兩個火車站。
作為世界上最著名城市之一令人興奮的延伸,它將在未來幾年為探索提供支持。位於世界上最偉大的城市之一牛津的高品質、可持續的新住宅,可輕鬆使用便利設施和社區設施,以及綠色和溫馨的空間;這將是一個非常適合居住的地方。 Canalside Quarter 擁有 317 間新住宅,包括 1、2、3 床公寓和 3,4、5 床別墅。

Oxford Property

第一階段:The Penrose & Brenner Building

  • 引人注目的現代建築和光線充足的內飾
  • 房屋景觀
  • 兩個新綠地:鄰裡廣場和運河邊公園
  • 位於牛津北所有便利設施對面
  • 騎自行車 14 分鐘即可到達牛津市中心


  • 2 分鐘到達牛津 A40
  • 5 分鐘即可抵達牛津北便利設施 
  • 7 分鐘抵達沃爾弗科特蒙特梭利幼兒園 
  • 9 分鐘抵達 Wolvercote 小學 


  • 5 分鐘即可抵達 Waitrose & Partners
  • 騎自行車 14 分鐘即可到達牛津市中心(包括 13 家博物館和畫廊、3 家劇院、4 家電影院、116 家餐廳、400 家商店、22 家咖啡館和 37 家酒吧)


  • 12 分鐘即可抵達比斯特村名品奧特萊斯(每年1,860 萬英鎊的營業額,支持牛津郡4,000 個就業崗位,每年接待約730 萬名客人,擁有150 多家豪華時尚和生活方式精品店、個人購物服務、餐廳和咖啡館、擴建計劃包括:新公園、汽車和自行車中心以及額外的賓客服務)


  • 2 分鐘到達牛津 A40
  • 14 分鐘可達牛津機場 
  • 15 分鐘即可抵達週邊所有景點(旅遊業是牛津郡經濟的重要組成部分。2022 年,旅遊業對當地經濟的總價值為21.7 億英鎊,接待遊客2,650 萬人次。科茨沃爾德– 科茨沃爾德是位於中西南地區的地區英格蘭,沿著一系列起伏的丘陵,從泰晤士河上游的草地一直延伸到塞文谷和伊夫舍姆谷上方的懸崖。
    • 自然風景區
    • 800 平方英里丘陵
    • 河谷和風景如畫的村莊
    • 步行和自行車路線

住宅設計流露輕奢風格,除了高級裝修配套,室內更擁有明亮採光,低密度建築可盡覽周圍綠色景致。公寓分別有一房、兩房和三房選擇,售價由 364,950 英鎊起,無論一家人移民生活,或是放租投資,牛津北都是值得留意的機遇。


- 耗資 50 億英鎊的項目東西鐵路正在分階段建設,計劃於 2030 年竣工。
– 建成後,它將連接牛津、比斯特、米爾頓凱恩斯、劍橋以及其間的社區。
– 新線路將利用現有的續程線路,為南安普敦中心站和伊普斯維奇或諾維奇之間途經雷丁、迪德科特和伊利之間的潛在新服務提供一條路線。



該大學擁有超過 26,000 名學生,包括本科生和

國際學生約佔學生總數的 46%,來自 160 多個國家和地區的約 12,075 名學生。

入學過程競爭非常激烈,每年都有大量申請者爭奪有限的名額。例如,每年通常只有約 3,300 個本科生名額,而 2022 年有超過 23,000 人申請入學。


牛津大學連續第八年被《泰晤士報高等教育》評為 2023 年世界最佳大學。

該大學由 39 個半自治學院、4 個永久私人宿舍以及分為四個部門的一系列學術部門組成。





  • 沃爾弗科特蒙特梭利幼兒園 – 0.2 英里
  • Cutteslowe Nursery – 1.3 英里 – Ofsted Good
  • 薩默敦蒙特梭利 – 1.4 英里


  • Wolvercote Primary – 0.3 英里 – Ofsted Good
  • Cutteslowe 小學 – 1.3 英里 – Ofsted Good


  • The Cherwell School – 2.0 miles – Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Swan School (Cherwell Academy) – 2.4 miles – new school


  • 聖愛德華獨立 - 1.4 英里。 – 13-18 歲
  • Summer Fields 男子獨立學校 – 1.4 英里 – 4-13 歲
  • 牛津女子獨立高中 – 2.0 英哩 – 4-18 歲
  • D’Overbroecks Independent – 2.0 英哩 – 7 歲 -18 歲
  • Wychwood 女子獨立學校 – 2.1 英哩 – 11-18 歲
  • Dragon School Independent 2.2 英哩 – 4-13 歲


    [counter formid:9245]



    比斯特購物村 – 大約。距離運河區 12 分鐘車程。

    比斯特購物村(Bicester Village)是位於英國牛津郡比斯特鎮郊區的設計師直銷購物中心。該中心是中國遊客在英國訪問量第二大的地點,僅次於白金漢宮。於 1995 年開業,已成為英國領先的旅遊景點之一,2019 年接待遊客 730 萬人次。現在擁有 160 多家精品店、咖啡館和餐廳, 兒童遊樂區。比斯特購物村支持更廣泛的英國經濟,在牛津郡增加了約 4,000 個淨工作崗位,在全國範圍內增加了 7,150 個淨工作崗位。每年約 1,860 萬英鎊用於商業稅,為當地重要的公共服務提供資金。


    關於發展商 – The Hill Group

    The Hill 是一家富有遠見的發展商,為英國房地產市場帶來創新和卓越。 The Hill 以其對品質和永續設計的承諾而聞名,致力於創造與周圍環境相協調的卓越生活空間。他們的發展著重於保護自然景觀,將現代建築與英國鄉村之美完美融合。 

    The Hill 的投資組合展示了各種住宅項目,從豪華住宅到精心設計的社區。每個開發案都經過精心設計,為居民提供無與倫比的生活體驗,融合了現代化的設施、鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠色空間和強烈的社區意識。

    除了致力於卓越的工藝之外,The Hill 還處於行業創新的前沿。他們採用尖端技術和永續實踐,確保能源效率並最大限度地減少對環境的影響。

    The Hill 憑藉交付卓越房產的良好記錄,繼續塑造英國房地產市場的格局。他們對品質、永續發展和創造非凡空間的堅定奉獻使他們成為首選開發商。

    4個核心原因你需要Ashton Hawks!

    1. 上年度奧漢國際物業很榮幸在2023年榮獲Business Focus Award 2023 及 HKCT Business Award 2023 頒發之傑出海外物業代理大獎,備受海外物業市場專業及認受性。
    2. Ashton Hawks 與多間知名發展商合作,如 Sansiri、Renaker、Barratt London、Select Property Group,憑藉其卓越的品質、對細節的關注以及對提供卓越生活體驗的承諾,我們很高興能為您實現夢想家園或提供更多投資選擇。 
    3. Ashton Hawks 擁有自己經驗豐富的專業團隊,將處理物業管理的各個方面,從尋找和篩選到維修。憑藉我們全面的服務,您可以高枕無憂,享受生活,而我們會為您打理一切。
    4. Ashton Hawks提供不定時睇樓團,參觀各地最新公寓和別墅。您將找到您夢想的度假屋和來自泰國領先開發商的國際投資房產。我們的專業團隊支持多語言:粵語、英語、普通話、泰語等。聯繫我們了解更多詳情!


    日期: 2024年4月13日至14日(週六至週日)
    時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
    地點: 香港 JW 萬豪酒店宴會廳 1 - 4, 香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場

    電話 5226 1138 


    免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。

    曼城市中心城中唯一租盤王 | 奢華極致摩天府邸




    投資曼徹斯特的 10 大理由

    • 曼徹斯特被評為「英國最適合居住的城市」
    • 80%的 FTSE 100 公司在曼城設有業務,包括 BBC、ITV、Google、Sky、Adidas、Unilever、KMPG 和 Deloitte
    • St John's 社區是 10 億英鎊的投資項目——一個新技術、媒體和創意集群,距離New Jackson僅幾分鐘路程;並在該地區創造10,100個就業機會
    • 充滿活力的文化目的地 | 擁有世界一流的博物館和藝術畫廊,如曼徹斯特美術館、Whiteworth 畫廊和 HOME。
    • 最佳教育中心 | 五所大學和高等教育機構吸引了來自全球各地的 116,000 名學生
    • 倫敦風格的綜合智慧交通系統——蜜蜂網路(The Bee Network),到 2030 年將巴士、電車、自行車和鐵路結合在一起,而 Metrolink 則在 64 英里的範圍內設有 99 個車站 
    • 領先購物目的地 | 英格蘭北部擁有許多國際設計師品牌,其中包括 Harvey Nichols 和 Selfridges,以及 Vivienne Westwood 和 Hugo Boss 等頂級品牌
    • 強勁房價: 預測|未來五年西北房地產市場將繼續領先一些地區同業,大大領先全英國平均(17.9%):
      • +20.2% 五年房價預測(第一太平戴維斯研究中心 2023 年)
      • 房價年度成長 +5%(仲量聯行六大住宅報告,2023 年 8 月)
    • 曼徹斯特的年度租金增長繼續領先其他六大城市。
      • 年租金增長 +20%(仲量聯行六大住宅報告,2023 年 8 月)
      • +6% 租金收益率(基於當地代理商租金預測)
    • 供需不平衡 | 與 2018 年相比,曼徹斯特的需求增加,但在建房屋數量大幅減少: 
      • 2018 年 – 15,000 棟房屋在建
      • 2023 年 – 10,000 間房屋興建中

    Contour 項目介紹 

    Ashton Hawks 隆重介紹 Renaker 最新開發項目——Contour 是一棟全新的 51 層住宅塔樓,位於新傑克遜——曼徹斯特市中心南大門的世界級摩天大樓區。


    ❖ 售價由 26.4 萬英鎊*(260 萬港幣) | 首期 5.3 萬英鎊*(52 萬港幣)
    ❖ 租金回報率預計為 7% p.a.* | 高達60%的抵押貸款 
    ❖ ”The 享負盛名的曼城發展商 – 由曼徹斯特市領先發展商 Renaker 建造和開發的優質開發項目,內部裝潢精美,設施齊全

    ❖ ”The 上個年度新盤強勁往績高達46%樓價升幅,因而享譽「Renaker效應」
    ❖ 位於M15 the city center of Manchester 
    ❖ 項目為 新傑克遜 – a world-class district 新社區的一部分 - Deansgate Square、伊Elizabeth Tower、Victoria Residence、The Blade 和 Three60 的所在地
    無與倫比便利設施,包括使用家政品牌 HOME,直接為您的家提供 5 星級飯店服務

    香港獨家首推 | 2027 年第一至第二季完成
    ❖ 限定海外配額 | 第一首價單 | 樓價潛在勢不可擋

    0 min walk to New Jackson’s restaurants, bars and shops

    3分鐘步行到 First Street

    14 mins walk to the Manchester Town Hall

    20 mins walk to Exchange Square Shopping District (Harvey Nichols/ Selfridges)

    3 mins walk to Sainsbury’s Local 

    4 mins walk to Deansgate Castlefield Metro Station

    14 mins walk to University of Manchester

    10分鐘車程至St. Mary Hospital

    Contour 提供一房、兩房和三房公寓,配有豪華設施:

    At Contour, residents have access to deluxe communal amenities which enhance residents’ lives. This includes: 

    • The Green – 高爾夫模擬器

    • The Club – State-of the art gymnasium

    • Urban Tails – a self-serve dog spa

    • 佩洛頓工作室

    • External Terraces – a dining and relaxation area (The Piante Terrace), plus a table tennis and games area (The Greenery)

    • Residents’ Bookable Suites – The Chamfer Suite 

    • Residents’ Bookable Suites – The Contour Suite

    • The Studio – Podcast Room & Content Creation Room

    • Concierge Lounge

    • The Faldo Lounge

    • The Concordia Lounge

    • The Works – Co-working space


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      那裡是 New Jackson?

      New Jackson是世界級的摩天大樓區,位於曼徹斯特市中心的南大門。 我們的願景是讓New Jackson成為一個可持續且有吸引力的社區,在市中心擁有一個蓬勃發展的新社區。 

      New Jackson 由 15 座塔樓、一個帶兒童遊樂公園的無菸市中心公園、皇冠街小學、一個安全的公共停車場、NHS 醫療中心、私人健康診所和牙醫以及商店、酒吧和餐廳組成。

      Renaker has taken what was underutilised brownfield land within Manchester city centre to create a unique area through working with leading architect, SimpsonHaugh. They aim to develop an aspirational new neighbourhood, delivering high-quality, spacious homes and desirable amenities, where communities can thrive. Renaker are currently 7 years into a 15-year masterplan and once complete, the masterplan will see over 6,400 high-quality homes delivered, alongside local, independent restaurants, cafes, shops, health and wellness services, a cookery school, and a primary school for the local community.

      New Jackson的開發項目目前包括以下項目,還有更多項目正在籌備中。 

      Deansgate Square 

      The Blade by Renaker 

      Crown St – Elizabeth Tower & Victoria Residence

      Bars, Restaurants & Shops at New Jackson

      Chit’ n’ Chaat




      General Store


      那裡是曼城First Street?

      曼徹斯特第一街距離New Jackson Contour 僅 3 分鐘步程,是一個充滿活力區域,是一個獨特的市中心區域,將辦公空間與豐富的文化、休閒和居住環境無縫融合。 

      從New Jackson到牛津路走廊,第一街是 Contour 充滿活力和多樣化的城市體驗的一個組成部分:

      • 餐廳、咖啡廳、酒吧、超市、飯店、學生宿舍
      • HOME – 耗資 2500 萬英鎊的獨立電影院、劇院和藝廊
      • First Street 1號、8號 – 
          • 350,000 平方英尺的已竣工辦公空間。
          • 現有員工 4,000 名,目標是 2028 年達到 10,000 名。
          • 計劃到第四階段,將額外提供 75 萬平方英尺的甲級辦公空間。

      曼城最大CBD Spinningfields 

      80% of FTSE 100 companies have a presence in the city

      耗資10億打造St John's 大型發展區

      St John’s is Manchester’s latest technology hub, located just 12-mins walk from Contour. With a distinct character and focus on the media and tech industries, St John’s has been designed to enable natural innovators to work and play together in a vibrant and culturally diverse environment.

      Home to workspaces, film studios, businesses, restaurants and retailers, a key part of St John’s offering are eagerly awaited openings from world-renowned names including Manchester Goods Yard, a new £80 million head office for travel and technology giant,, the £200 million Factory International arts centre and prestigious private members club, SOHO House.

      St. John’s is a unique place to work, create, learn and enjoy. According to the report from Deloitte, 68% of the total 700,000 sq.ft. of office space brought to market in 2022 is in St John’s and is predominantly pre-let. There is a strong demand of rental, which is expected to continue in the coming years.


      曼徹斯特的教育受到高度重視,使該城市成為世界各地學生和學者的著名目的地。 曼徹斯特擁有豐富的學術遺產和多元化的教育機構,提供了大量的學習和個人成長機會。 

      The city is home to prestigious universities such as the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the Royal Northern College of Music, among others. These institutions offer a wide array of programs across various disciplines, including arts, sciences, engineering, business, and more. Manchester’s educational landscape is characterized by innovation, research excellence, and a strong emphasis on practical skills development. Students benefit from state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated faculties, and a supportive learning environment. Beyond university education, Manchester also offers a range of high-quality schools, colleges, and vocational training centers, catering to students of all ages and backgrounds. With its thriving academic community, Manchester continues to shape the minds of future leaders, innovators, and professionals, making it a hub of knowledge and intellectual growth.

      曼徹斯特對學生住宿的需求空前高漲,大約 90% 的學生急切地等待自己的房間。 需求的激增可歸因於該市作為領先教育中心的聲譽,吸引了來自國內外的學生。 曼徹斯特充滿活力的學術氛圍,加上多元化的文化和蓬勃發展的就業市場,使其成為一個有吸引力的深造目的地。 因此,住宿競爭加劇,導致越來越多的學生熱切期待自己的住宿分配。



      時間:中午 12 點(英文)| 下午 2 點(粵語)| 下午 4 點(粵語)


      電話 5226 1138 



      為何 Renaker 項目投資價值高?

      Renaker 的每月更新

      Home – offering 5* hotel services


      4個核心原因你需要Ashton Hawks!

      1. 上年度奧漢國際物業很榮幸在2023年榮獲Business Focus Award 2023 及 HKCT Business Award 2023 頒發之傑出海外物業代理大獎,備受海外物業市場專業及認受性。

      Ashton Hawks 與多間知名發展商合作,如 Sansiri、Renaker、Barratt London、Select Property Group,憑藉其卓越的品質、對細節的關注以及對提供卓越生活體驗的承諾,我們很高興能為您實現夢想家園或提供更多投資選擇。 

      Ashton Hawks 擁有自己經驗豐富的專業團隊,將處理物業管理的各個方面,從尋找和篩選到維修。憑藉我們全面的服務,您可以高枕無憂,享受生活,而我們會為您打理一切。

      Ashton Hawks提供不定時睇樓團,參觀各地最新公寓和別墅。您將找到您夢想的度假屋和來自泰國領先開發商的國際投資房產。我們的專業團隊支持多語言:粵語、英語、普通話、泰語等。聯繫我們了解更多詳情!



      時間:中午 12 點(英文)| 下午 2 點(粵語)| 下午 4 點(粵語)


      電話 5226 1138 



      免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。

      Manarat Living: Discover the Vibrant Lifestyle of Abu Dhabi


      Welcome to a captivating journey through the vibrant lifestyle of Manarat Living in Abu Dhabi. Situated in the heart of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi is known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning architecture, and cosmopolitan atmosphere. Manarat Living, a prominent residential community nestled within this dynamic city, offers residents a unique and fulfilling experience. In this blog post, we will delve into the various aspects that make Manarat Living a desirable place to call home.

      Proudly presents to you the newly launched luxurious complex in Abu Dhabi – MANARAT LIVING. Properties in the development are presented by a stunning collection of 273 residences, which include studios and apartments with 1, 2 and 2+1 bedrooms, and the sizes starts from 323 sq.ft to 1,593 sq.ft and residences will offer breathtaking views of Saadiyat Island and the sea.

      10 Highlight of Manarat Living 

      • 香港獨家代理首張價單優惠 | 首付僅5% 
      • 永久業權|限量海外配額
      • Starting price from HKD1.35M* | Rental Yields up to 8-13% 
      • 阿布札比亞斯島市中心的黃金地段
      • Serene and Lush Surroundings | A Breathtaking views of Saadiyat Island and the sea
      • 世界一流的設施| 從最先進的健身中心和游泳池到兒童遊樂區和專用燒烤場
      • 良好基礎設施 | 學校、醫院、購物中心和旅遊景點數之不盡
      • 對永續發展的承諾| 融入了環保功能,從節能係統到節水措施
      • 由阿布扎比最大的開發商 Aldar 創建,他們的項目都是阿聯酋政府發展計劃的重心支柱
      • 預計 2026 年第一季落成,預計為投資者帶來可觀收入

      Upload Image...

      Upload Image...

      Residents of the development will enjoy plenty of world-class amenities such as a double height gym, a multi function room, changing rooms and lockers, rooftop adult and children’s swimming pools, a vertical running track, yoga spaces and bicycle storage racks. Families with children will also appreciate the indoor and outdoor kids play area. There will be one allocated parking space per unit for the convenience of home owners and residents.


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        Live Near the Most Iconic and Luxurious Places: Louvre Museum, Sheikh Zayed Museum, Golf Club, Soul Beach Saddiyat Island, Abrahamic Family House and the 5-Star Hotels & Resorts and more.



        4個核心原因你需要Ashton Hawks!

        1. 今年奧漢國際物業很榮幸在2023年5月15日榮獲Business Focus Award 2023 頒發之傑出海外物業代理大獎,備受海外物業市場專業及認受性。

        2. Ashton Hawks 與多間知名發展商合作,如 Sansiri、Renaker、Barratt London、Select Property Group,憑藉其卓越的品質、對細節的關注以及對提供卓越生活體驗的承諾,我們很高興能為您實現夢想家園或提供更多投資選擇。 

        3. Ashton Hawks 擁有自己經驗豐富的專業團隊,將處理物業管理的各個方面,從尋找和篩選到維修。憑藉我們全面的服務,您可以高枕無憂,享受生活,而我們會為您打理一切。

        4. Ashton Hawks provide 4-days 3-nights property tour to view the latest condos and houses in Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya and ChiangMai. You will find your dream holiday home, retirement home and international investment property from Thailand’s leading developers. Our professional team supports multi-lingual: Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Thai etc. Contact us for more information!


        免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。

        Origin Thonglor World | 新世代嶄新生活盡顯無限機遇


        全球股市動盪、油價大跌, 買磚頭一直是投資者首選的保值投資產品。 而曼谷豪華公寓數量愈來愈多,地段必成買家首要條件,究竟哪一區最具升值潛力?

        Thonglor 屬於曼谷素坤逸區,是傳統意義上的曼谷富人區 ,也是日本人最為聚集的區域,周圍都是星級餐廳、水療美容店、大型購物中心等高品質場所。根據Nexus數據指出,過去5年曼谷市中心房價不斷攀升,其中Thonglor增幅高達66%。Thonglor租客大多來自在曼谷中央商務區工作的日本人及歐美人,是曼谷市中心回報率高的區域。預計未來3年市中心的公寓價格將上漲12-15%,而這也是泰國富人排行榜中的前11位富人皆在Thonglor區置業房產的原因。


        • 曼谷的潮流聖地,也是著名的日韓富人區
        • 位處於素坤逸Thonglor BTS站附近
        • Thonglor市中心最大型的綜合項目
        • 提供複式及單層單元,超過 20 種豪華住客設施
        • 複式單元樓底約4.35米高,為生活提供各種可能性


        • 連接Thonglor-Ekamai CBD及Gateway Ekamai 購物中心
        • 1 分鐘步行到 Donki Mall Thonglor
        • 4 分鐘乘車前往 Asok CBD
        • 5 分鐘車程到曼谷素坤逸萬豪酒店
        • 8 分鐘步行到潮流商圈The Commons
        • 10 分鐘車程前往 Samittivej 醫院
        • 12 分鐘車程到熱門購物中心 Siam Paragon



        • Singapore Int’l School, Ekamai
        • The American School of Bangkok
        • St. Andrews Int’l School 
        • Wells Int’l School
        • Bangkok University, Rama IV 

        實力雄厚發展商 有「建築魔術師」美譽

        項目由泰國排名前五的上市公司Origin開發建造,並由洲際酒店管理集團提供管理服務,為住戶提供酒店式居住環境及星級酒店服務外,租金潛力亦會大大提升。 Origin已開發過40個地產項目,擁有雄厚的財力和經驗,很多項目上市沒多久便銷售一空。地理位置優越、高品質、精致化為Origin建築風格特色。

        ⭐ 永久業權綜合住宅項目
        ⭐ 2房複式單位由港幣570萬起
        ⭐ 預計2025年Q4落成

        想了解更多關於泰國房地產市場更新、《泰國公寓法》 和該項目的獨家細節? 曼谷市場上物業供不應求,Origin Thonglor World可能成為未來幾年區內僅有豪華公寓!立即登記講座了解更多!!


        Date:    5 – 6 Nov 2022 (Sat – Sun)
        Time:    12pm (Eng) | 2pm (Canto) | 4pm (Canto)
        地點:  銅鑼灣柏寧酒店27樓
        查詢: 5226 1138  ( WhatsApp


        免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


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          我們的創辦人及 CEO (Next Plus )

          Ashton Hawks Founder and CEO Mr. Kingston Lai, who also founded Golden Emperor Properties and Asia Bankers Club, was interviewed by Next Plus to share his road on being a successful entrepreneur. Review the interview with the link below for the full article and video:


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            新世代奢華之選 曼谷Culture Chula



            • 1至3房複式|4.3特高樓底
            • 3分鐘到𝑩𝑻𝑺 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒂 𝑫𝒂𝒆𝒏𝒈及𝑴𝑹𝑻 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒎站
            • 5分鐘到Siam Paragon 、CentralWorld等六大購物商場
            • 位於Sathorn商業中心區及大學城
            • 租金回報料達 6%*
            • 無邊際泳池、24小時辦公空間、142公頃私家花園
            • From HKD1,880,000
            • 租金回報達6%*

            曼谷第一學府圈內最新時尚項目Culture Chula ,24小時工作空間讓「數碼遊牧」 Digital Nomad隨時舒適遙距工作。

            曼谷Culture Chula由泰國上市發展商Ananda打造, Ashton Hawks獨家代理。

            🔥租金回報料達 6%*🔥

            新盤屬Silom-Samyan 區最新項目,位於商業中心區及大學城,料區內租客超過100萬人。 


            朱拉隆功大學 泰國排名第一學府





            項目鄰近兩大主幹道交界,雙鐵交匯 ,步行3分鐘直達BTS及MRT四個大站。行3分鐘直達BTS及MRT四個大站;5分鐘到Siam Paragon 、CentralWorld等六大購物商場。

            甲級地段令同類住宅項目公開發售不久即全數沽清。今次Ashton Hawks先拔頭籌 優先獨家代理最靚單位 ,戶型有1至3房複式,4.3特高樓底,包全屋裝修及家俬 。設施方面有無邊際泳池、24小時Co-Working Space、142公頃私家花園等。


            24 小時開放的辦公空間適合所有追求安靜工作的人。 設施包括視頻通話亭、會議室、電話亭 、直播工作間等。



            8分鐘步行至142公頃Lumpini Park


            日期: 2023年2月25至26日(六、日)
            時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
            地點: 銅鑼灣柏寧酒店27樓
            電話 5226 1138 


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              專訪我們的董事總經賴遠方先生 (The Standard)

              Asia Bankers Club founder and chief executive Kingston Lai sees future potential in property markets in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, New York City, Manchester – but he has reservations about London and cities in Australia.

              In addition to the investment club targeting bankers and professionals, Lai also controls Ashton Hawks and Golden Emperor Properties, which aim at high net worth individuals and retail investors, respectively, for overseas real estate.

              Amid a number of uncertainties, Lai reckons real estate buyers need to think twice. “But the more uncertainty people see from the trade war, the more they are interested in properties in Vietnam, where more manufacturers are expected to move from China.” He says a recent project in HCMC received an overwhelming response.

              “Even if the Hong Kong property market were to fall, would flats now valued at HK$10 million plunge to HK$5 million? However, two-room apartments sized between 700 and 1,000 square feet in district 2 and 4 in HCMC cost around HK$2 million and they have the potential to rise further.”

              He compares these areas to Sheung Wan, close to the central business district. Apartments further away from the CBD cost around HK$1.2 million only.

              Property prices in HCMC have risen on average 15 percent a year over the past three years, compared with as much as 30 percent a year in Bangkok several years ago, says Lai. On average, there is 8 percent gross rental yield in HCMC, he says.

              District 1 is the traditional CBD and district 3 is where many embassies and historical buildings are located. Investors have been looking at districts 2 and 4. Last month, the HCMC administration decided that no high-rise apartment projects in districts 1 and 3 will be approved until 2020. Lai expects supply to be even tighter.

              He is also bullish on the property market in Hanoi, where Samsung, Apple and Microsoft have invested. The World Bank projected GDP growth in Vietnam to be 6.8 percent in 2018 and 6.5 percent in 2019.

              Although Koreans and Japanese are the top foreign investors in Vietnam, Lai says they are not keen on buying properties, unlike Hong Kong and mainland Chinese, who can rent the flats to them. “You can compare HCMC and Hanoi with Shanghai and Beijing, respectively, but we are yet to find a Shenzhen in Vietnam,” Lai says.

              Overseas people can buy property in Vietnam and sell or lease it to locals and foreigners. A 50-year leasehold ownership will be given to foreigners with renewal possibility.

              When buying a property in Vietnam, investors are subject to 0.5 percent stamp duty. For rental income, they are subject to about 10 percent income tax. If they want to sell the property, 2 percent personal income tax of the selling price will be charged.

              Foreigners need to have a bank account in Vietnam and need to sign the sales agreement in person. Mortgages are not available. He says the firm has helped a client to gain about 16 percent to buy and sell a property in Vietnam within a year.

              Lai, a Malaysian Chinese, says it takes time to assess the political situation back home. He adds that properties in Singapore are too expensive to buy.

              Investors in Thailand property should be cautious. Lai says that a studio in Bangkok near a metro station costs between HK$1 million and HK$2 million, while those costing only HK$500,000 may be in very remote areas that will be difficult to sell or rent out.

              As for developed markets, Lai sees potential in New York City.

              Sellers have been cutting prices there with less demand due to a tax reform that changes the mortgage interest and property tax deduction, making home ownership less attractive.

              While this also applies to foreigners, Lai says some Hong Kong buyers note that the US-HK dollar peg minimizes currency risk. They expect long-term capital gain in New York City center, where there is continuing redevelopment and population growth.

              Despite the interest among locals for London homes, Lai is cautious in the wake of Brexit and the high costs of investing there. He sees more potential in Manchester, which he believes could be a future London, Liverpool and Birmingham.

              In Australia, Lai says banks will only provide construction financing to developers if they have sold a substantial amount of an uncompleted project. He worries some developers may struggle.

              He also sees potential in Japanese real estate but the company does not have expertise there. “We only sell projects that we can manage. We sell about 1,000 units a year. We try our best to ensure customers’ properties are well-managed and can be rented out,” he says. “Selling projects by major developers is one of the ways in which we have peace of mind.”

              He and his team carry out due diligence and even buy properties themselves to experience the process. Six months were spent studying the property market in Vietnam before identifying projects.

              Ashton Hawks and Golden Emperor Properties serve clients with different needs.

              “If you tell me HK$1 million cash is all that you have, I won’t tell you to place it all into a property in Vietnam.

              “Instead, we have helped a retired customer to spend HK$500,000 to buy a condo in Thailand for his own use and the rest for his spending.

              “Customers like bankers may bet on some properties in Southeast Asia and at the same time invest in London, or New York City, for long-term stable growth.”

              Source: The Standard


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                【EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH】 DE LA SOL Phase 2 Cello Tower

                新聞稿 [供即時刊登]

                Hottest project in HCMC – Phase 1 sold out within days previously

                (28 November 2018, Hong Kong)

                Vietnam – Key Winner of U.S.-China Trade War
                Amidst the U.S.-China trade war, Vietnam’s exports have surged 15.2% y-o-y, which amounted to over USD202 billion for the first ten months of 2018. According to a survey from U.S. and Chinese companies, Vietnam has emerged as a key winner in the trade war, with companies moving production to Vietnam to escape tariffs. Goertek, the Chinese manufacturer of Apple’s Airpods, have confirmed plans to shift their production lines from China to Vietnam as the trade war continued to escalate. Other multinational corporations and chains such as Amazon, Mazda, Mandarin Oriental, H&M and Zara have kicked off their expansion plans in this booming country in 2018.

                Reports from the World Bank affirmed that the forecast of Vietnam’s GDP growth shall reach the target of 6.5-6.7% in 2019. Future development plans in Vietnam are likely to accelerate its thriving economy. Construction on its biggest airport – the Long Thanh International Airport shall commence in 2020 and target to operate in 2025. Situated at 40km east of HCMC, the Long Thanh International Airport is expected to overtake the current airport with an annual capacity of 100 million passengers. With Vietnam becoming a dynamic country and an attractive investment destination, the award-winning developer CapitaLand seized the opportunity to launch the exquisite De La Sol Phase 2 Cello Tower

                .De La Sol Phase 2 (Cello Tower) – Hottest Project in HCMC
                With the foreign quota of Phase 1 sold out within days previously, De La Sol Phase 2 – Cello Tower is a luxury condominium in HCMC by the prestigious developer CapitaLand. De La Sol, with the luxury and privacy it offers, is conveniently situated in the bustling locality of District 4 with proximity to the city’s central business district (District 1), situated at a 5-minute drive away.

                One can easily access Districts 1, 2, 5 and 7 and their many tourist attractions and nightlife venues as well as offices, conference halls, schools and shopping centers. De La Sol’s Cello Tower is a 204-unit condominium standing at 21-storeys high and offering 2-bedroom units with the highest standards. With its dynamic theme of music, residents can enjoy its active facilities and Instagram-worthy surroundings including a magnificent 50-metre pool, sky theatre, co-working space, cinema room, games room, car park, and security services, creating the perfect experience for residents to immerse in a young and vibrant lifestyle. Prices starts at HKD1.77M with 8% p.a. projected rental yield. It is expected to be completed by Q4 2020.

                Award-winning International Developer – CapitaLand
                Headquartered and listed in Singapore, CapitaLand is one of Asia’s largest real estate companies with presence in around 150 cities across 27 countries. It is widely recognized as the leading and long-standing corporation in Singapore, winning for the 2nd consecutive year in the Euromoney Real Estate Survey 2018. Its real estate expertise is broadly diversified with its businesses in 4 key sectors – residential, office, shopping malls and serviced residences. The company is approximately 40% owned by the Singapore Government through Temasek.As one of the most respected and highly sought-after developers in Vietnam’s property market, CapitaLand has planted its roots in Vietnam with over 24 years of presence, with 13 residential projects and 22 serviced apartments launched over the years. Its acclaimed projects include De La Sol (Phase 1, Alto Tower), The Vista, Vista Verde, Feliz en Vista, D2eight, d’Edge and D1MENSION. CapitaLand’s proven track record soundly convinces property investors with its standard of excellence and professional expertise in real estate projects and services.

                Ms. Michele Cheng, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks, said: “Riding on the success of Phase 1, CapitaLand is introducing De La Sol Phase 2 – Cello Tower in HCMC’s District 4. De La Sol is the first international development in District 4 of Ho Chi Minh City, adjacent to the traditional CBD in District 1. Its close proximity to District 1 but significantly lower prices are appealing to investors. District 4 is one of the most sought-after districts as seen by co-working provider WeWork moving into Etown in District 4 and the overflow of developments from District 1 to District 4 has made it promising for developers investing in District 4. The gentrification of this district is a positive sign for the housing prices. Vietnam’s economic success is largely reflected in the skyline of HCMC’s CBD in District 1, which is expanding upwards as well as outwards. Currently, land costs in District 4 are only 1/4 of comparable land in District 1. District 4 is easily accessible by vehicular bridges and positioned to be HCMC’s CBD Lite, it is one of the fastest growing districts in the city, hosting ongoing projects including a massive Riverfront development plan. HCMC’s economic success will continue as the city welcomes businesses and FDI into the city through a multi-billion-US-dollar Long Thanh International Airport, constructed to be Vietnam’s largest and most iconic airport. As HCMC’s economic boom continues, the property market will hold strong. Developing districts like District 4 now holds an immense development and investment prospect.

                Mr. Frederick Ho, Director & Partner of Ashton Hawks commented: “Boosted by the escalating trade war between U.S. and China, producers have diversified their supply chains to Vietnam due to its low labour costs and modernized factories. Furthermore, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has enabled Vietnam to gain duty-free access to the EU market, further boosting FDI and export driven growth. The anticipated increase in FDI is expected to stimulate a further expansion of different industries and increase productivity in various sectors. Besides, the number of expats in Vietnam has surged as multinational corporations has established offices in the country. According to a HSBC survey, Vietnam ranks 19th in the best countries for expats globally, in terms of opportunities and quality of life. It can be foreseen that this trend shall continue to accelerate at a promising rate, elevating the already strong demand of rental properties in Vietnam and further boosting its property market.”The launch of De La Sol Phase 2 (Cello Tower) will take place on 8-9 December 2018 in The Park Lane Hong Kong (27/F, 310 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay).

                關於 Ashton Hawks
                Ashton Hawks was established by a group of renowned investment gurus and private collectors who laid the very foundation of the discerning Ashton Hawks, balancing luxury leisure lifestyle and investment. Our headquarter office is located in Hong Kong, with overseas branches in Bangkok and Vietnam. Ashton Hawks’ real estate portfolio is as diverse in style as it is in mega-estate location across the globe and caters to luxury style of all


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                  專訪我們的董事總經賴遠方先生 (East Week)

                  Our Managing Director Mr. Kingston Lai was interviewed by East Week Magazine regarding the story of starting his business.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


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