Author Archives: admin_silvia

The Beverly, Vinhomes



  • 單位低約100萬港元|平均呎價約2,500港元
  • 首期低至10萬港元起*
  • 開放式、1-3房單位
  • 近MRT站
  • 30分鐘到機場
  • 獨木舟設施
  • 享湖景、私人沙灘
  • 光之花園Light Garden
  • 戶外建身設施
  • 免費接駁巴士
  • 甲級會所、休憩娛樂設施


  • 20分鐘到高爾夫球場  
  • VinMec 國際醫院
  • 近全胡志明最大購物城Vincom Mega Mall
  • 國際學校Brighton College
  • VinSchool 中學
  • VinSchool 幼稚園

The Beverly以美國著名富人住宅區為靈感,為住戶帶來上流社會的奢華度假風格。

Vinhomes Grand Park是由越南最大開發商建設的小型都市,位於Thu Duc City 市中心第九郡,總面積達271公頃,由越南排名第一的著名房地產集團——Vinhomes(Vingroup)營運和開發。是次項目以豪宅The Beverly最為豪華。

The Beverly以美國著名富人住宅區為靈感,為住戶帶來上流社會的奢華度假風格。The Beverly擁有360 度視野,完美捕捉 Vinhomes Grand Park 兩個獨特標誌性景觀:Light Park 和周邊地區,包括私人沙灘。

The Beverly 地理位置優越,其位於主要道路Phuoc Thien 和 Nguyen Xien 交界,以及毗鄰高速公路。住戶只需約30分鐘車程,即可快速到達胡志明市內城區,以及國際機場。

項目鄰近河內高速公路, 只需約30分鐘, 居民即可快速直達胡志明市各區。

此外,The Beverly鄰近當地地鐵 MRT站1 號線Suoi Tien,加上園內為各住戶提供免費接駁巴士, 大大縮短住戶出行時間。

Vinhomes Grand Park項目近科技園區,吸引多個海外巨企進駐,越南官方表示,在強勁的出口和零售業的推動下,越南今年的GDP增長將達到8%,預期會有有更多專才湧入此區。

項目周邊多個大型建設落成在即,未來升值潛力被看高一線。9區最令人期待的項目之一是附近新機場的建設,預計2025年建成,它是越南最大、最高端的機場, 9區道路的修建也正如火如荼地展開,9區與河內高速公路、龍潭道街高速公路相連,交通便利,僅需15分鐘即可到達Phu My Hung中心,離市中心CBD的距離縮短為7km。地鐵3號線也正在建設中,預計將在2023年運行。





免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


    [counter formid:11520]

    新世代奢華之選 曼谷Culture Chula



    • 1至3房複式|4.3特高樓底
    • 3分鐘到𝑩𝑻𝑺 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒂 𝑫𝒂𝒆𝒏𝒈及𝑴𝑹𝑻 𝑺𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒎站
    • 5分鐘到Siam Paragon 、CentralWorld等六大購物商場
    • 位於Sathorn商業中心區及大學城
    • 租金回報料達 6%*
    • 無邊際泳池、24小時辦公空間、142公頃私家花園
    • From HKD1,880,000
    • 租金回報達6%*

    曼谷第一學府圈內最新時尚項目Culture Chula ,24小時工作空間讓「數碼遊牧」 Digital Nomad隨時舒適遙距工作。

    曼谷Culture Chula由泰國上市發展商Ananda打造, Ashton Hawks獨家代理。

    🔥租金回報料達 6%*🔥

    新盤屬Silom-Samyan 區最新項目,位於商業中心區及大學城,料區內租客超過100萬人。 


    朱拉隆功大學 泰國排名第一學府





    項目鄰近兩大主幹道交界,雙鐵交匯 ,步行3分鐘直達BTS及MRT四個大站。行3分鐘直達BTS及MRT四個大站;5分鐘到Siam Paragon 、CentralWorld等六大購物商場。

    甲級地段令同類住宅項目公開發售不久即全數沽清。今次Ashton Hawks先拔頭籌 優先獨家代理最靚單位 ,戶型有1至3房複式,4.3特高樓底,包全屋裝修及家俬 。設施方面有無邊際泳池、24小時Co-Working Space、142公頃私家花園等。


    24 小時開放的辦公空間適合所有追求安靜工作的人。 設施包括視頻通話亭、會議室、電話亭 、直播工作間等。



    8分鐘步行至142公頃Lumpini Park


    日期: 2023年2月25至26日(六、日)
    時間: 12pm (英文) 2pm (廣東話) 4pm (廣東話)
    地點: 銅鑼灣柏寧酒店27樓
    電話 5226 1138 

    免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


      [counter formid:11870]

      Origin Thonglor World | 新世代嶄新生活盡顯無限機遇


      全球股市動盪、油價大跌, 買磚頭一直是投資者首選的保值投資產品。 而曼谷豪華公寓數量愈來愈多,地段必成買家首要條件,究竟哪一區最具升值潛力?

      Thonglor 屬於曼谷素坤逸區,是傳統意義上的曼谷富人區 ,也是日本人最為聚集的區域,周圍都是星級餐廳、水療美容店、大型購物中心等高品質場所。根據Nexus數據指出,過去5年曼谷市中心房價不斷攀升,其中Thonglor增幅高達66%。Thonglor租客大多來自在曼谷中央商務區工作的日本人及歐美人,是曼谷市中心回報率高的區域。預計未來3年市中心的公寓價格將上漲12-15%,而這也是泰國富人排行榜中的前11位富人皆在Thonglor區置業房產的原因。


      • 曼谷的潮流聖地,也是著名的日韓富人區
      • 位處於素坤逸Thonglor BTS站附近
      • Thonglor市中心最大型的綜合項目
      • 提供複式及單層單元,超過 20 種豪華住客設施
      • 複式單元樓底約4.35米高,為生活提供各種可能性


      • 連接Thonglor-Ekamai CBD及Gateway Ekamai 購物中心
      • 1 分鐘步行到 Donki Mall Thonglor
      • 4 分鐘乘車前往 Asok CBD
      • 5 分鐘車程到曼谷素坤逸萬豪酒店
      • 8 分鐘步行到潮流商圈The Commons
      • 10 分鐘車程前往 Samittivej 醫院
      • 12 分鐘車程到熱門購物中心 Siam Paragon



      • Singapore Int’l School, Ekamai
      • The American School of Bangkok
      • St. Andrews Int’l School 
      • Wells Int’l School
      • Bangkok University, Rama IV 

      實力雄厚發展商 有「建築魔術師」美譽

      項目由泰國排名前五的上市公司Origin開發建造,並由洲際酒店管理集團提供管理服務,為住戶提供酒店式居住環境及星級酒店服務外,租金潛力亦會大大提升。 Origin已開發過40個地產項目,擁有雄厚的財力和經驗,很多項目上市沒多久便銷售一空。地理位置優越、高品質、精致化為Origin建築風格特色。

      ⭐ 永久業權綜合住宅項目
      ⭐ 2房複式單位由港幣570萬起
      ⭐ 預計2025年Q4落成

      想了解更多關於泰國房地產市場更新、《泰國公寓法》 和該項目的獨家細節? 曼谷市場上物業供不應求,Origin Thonglor World可能成為未來幾年區內僅有豪華公寓!立即登記講座了解更多!!


      Date:    5 – 6 Nov 2022 (Sat – Sun)
      Time:    12pm (Eng) | 2pm (Canto) | 4pm (Canto)
      地點:  銅鑼灣柏寧酒店27樓
      查詢: 5226 1138  ( WhatsApp

      免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


        [counter formid:11018]

        Origin Thonglor World | 新世代嶄新生活盡顯無限機遇


        全球股市動盪、油價大跌, 買磚頭一直是投資者首選的保值投資產品。 而曼谷豪華公寓數量愈來愈多,地段必成買家首要條件,究竟哪一區最具升值潛力?

        Thonglor 屬於曼谷素坤逸區,是傳統意義上的曼谷富人區 ,也是日本人最為聚集的區域,周圍都是星級餐廳、水療美容店、大型購物中心等高品質場所。根據Nexus數據指出,過去5年曼谷市中心房價不斷攀升,其中Thonglor增幅高達66%。Thonglor租客大多來自在曼谷中央商務區工作的日本人及歐美人,是曼谷市中心回報率高的區域。預計未來3年市中心的公寓價格將上漲12-15%,而這也是泰國富人排行榜中的前11位富人皆在Thonglor區置業房產的原因。


        • 曼谷的潮流聖地,也是著名的日韓富人區
        • 位處於素坤逸Thonglor BTS站附近
        • Thonglor市中心最大型的綜合項目
        • 提供複式及單層單元,超過 20 種豪華住客設施
        • 複式單元樓底約4.35米高,為生活提供各種可能性


        • 連接Thonglor-Ekamai CBD及Gateway Ekamai 購物中心
        • 1 分鐘步行到 Donki Mall Thonglor
        • 4 分鐘乘車前往 Asok CBD
        • 5 分鐘車程到曼谷素坤逸萬豪酒店
        • 8 分鐘步行到潮流商圈The Commons
        • 10 分鐘車程前往 Samittivej 醫院
        • 12 分鐘車程到熱門購物中心 Siam Paragon



        • Singapore Int’l School, Ekamai
        • The American School of Bangkok
        • St. Andrews Int’l School 
        • Wells Int’l School
        • Bangkok University, Rama IV 

        實力雄厚發展商 有「建築魔術師」美譽

        項目由泰國排名前五的上市公司Origin開發建造,並由洲際酒店管理集團提供管理服務,為住戶提供酒店式居住環境及星級酒店服務外,租金潛力亦會大大提升。 Origin已開發過40個地產項目,擁有雄厚的財力和經驗,很多項目上市沒多久便銷售一空。地理位置優越、高品質、精致化為Origin建築風格特色。

        ⭐ 永久業權綜合住宅項目
        ⭐ 2房複式單位由港幣570萬起
        ⭐ 預計2025年Q4落成

        想了解更多關於泰國房地產市場更新、《泰國公寓法》 和該項目的獨家細節? 曼谷市場上物業供不應求,Origin Thonglor World可能成為未來幾年區內僅有豪華公寓!立即登記講座了解更多!!


        Date:    5 – 6 Nov 2022 (Sat – Sun)
        Time:    12pm (Eng) | 2pm (Canto) | 4pm (Canto)
        地點:  銅鑼灣柏寧酒店27樓
        查詢: 5226 1138  ( WhatsApp


        免責聲明: 此上內容所提供的資訊、文字,以及圖片,僅是提供予對本文內容有興趣的人士,方便大眾了解一些資料。Ashton Hawks及銷售人員不保證或代表此內容是絕對準確、正確,以及完整,而且沒有一個人或任何人,有義務或應該對此內容需要負上任何責任。這些產品的銷售是受到限制,包括:合約的內容、更正錯誤、遺漏、之前的銷售、條款及售價的改變、以及於市場中徹出,而不作事前通知。以上所提供的資訊只可作參考之用,不會構成全部,以及合約中的任何部份及細節。Ashton Hawks及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。註:廣告圖片屬電腦模擬相片。*預計租賃回報由物業代理預測,發展商並沒有提供保證回報。


          [counter formid:10975]


          Demand from house-hunters jumped 88 per cent across England as the market reopened earlier this month.

          Property website Zoopla said the weekly increase occurred between May 12, the day it emerged the market in England would reopen, and May 19.

          Demand rebounded particularly quickly in cities along the south coast and in northern England.

          Strong growth was recorded in Newcastle and Leeds, while Oxford, Liverpool, and Manchester also had increases in demand.

          Zoopla said research among 2,000 people found, around 60 per cent of would-be buyers across the UK intends to go ahead with their plans.

          But around four in 10 potential buyers said they have put their plans on hold, citing market uncertainty, loss of income, and diminished confidence in future finances as deterrents.

          Zoopla said buyer demand was 20 per cent higher than at the start of March as England’s housing market reopened.

          The website said it expects a significant proportion of sales that had been agreed before the coronavirus lockdown to continue but said increased uncertainty over the economic outlook will test housing chains in the coming weeks.

          Richard Donnell, director of research and insight at Zoopla, said: “The scale of the rebound in demand for housing is welcome news for estate agents and developers but it is also surprising given projections for a sharp rise in unemployment and a major decline in economic growth.”

          Mr. Donnell said he expects people to be more cautious in the coming weeks.

          He said: “We expect the latest rebound in demand to moderate in the coming weeks as buyers and sellers start to exert greater caution. Further support from the Government can’t be discounted and would help limit the scale of the downside risks.”

          Source: Leicestershire Live


            [counter formid:1551]

            2025 年前曼徹斯特市中心將有 100,000 多居民

            Supply of ready-built factories and warehouses in southern Vietnam will increase by 28 per cent this year to 2.7 million square meters.As more companies arrive from China after the pandemic, supply will rise by 25 per cent to two million square meters in the north, real estate consultancy CBRE reported.

            More than 19,000 additional people live in Manchester’s two most central wards today compared with 2004. The city center as a whole was forecast to be home to 65,200 residents by mid-2019, which is an increase of 5,000 in the past 12 months. There was even a 117% spike in people moving to Manchester in July this year compared to 2018.

            This north-western city has also retained its top spot as the UK’s most liveable city, an accolade the city has held each year since the Global Liveability Survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit began in 2011. This highlights the continued demand and appeal to live and work in Manchester.

            By 2025, Manchester’s population is forecast to surpass 635,000 as an additional 100,000 people are predicted to be living in the city center. Additionally, more students are choosing to remain in the city following graduation at Manchester’s multiple universities. This growth is expected to further fuel demand in the rental market.

            Both employment and population are growing more rapidly in Manchester than the average rate for England. There has been a large rise in the number of businesses opening and moving to the city. Increased job creation and a growing economy is attracting large scale development to Manchester, making it an exciting time to invest in this city.

            Employment growth in construction is projected to lead the way with the biggest increase in the number of jobs at 50.6% and the highest growth value added at 49.9%. This is likely driven by some of the major developments across the city, including Piccadilly, Mayfield, Great Jackson Street, and St John’s. The other sectors expanding the fastest include business and finance, cultural, creative, and digital and retail.

            Demand for additional residential housing is forecast to increase significantly as the city’s population and employment opportunities continue to grow. Property investment in Manchester, especially in the city center, will continue to be a lucrative opportunity for buy-to-let investors in the coming years.

            Source: Buy Association


              [counter formid:1551]


              Supply of ready-built factories and warehouses in southern Vietnam will increase by 28 per cent this year to 2.7 million square meters.As more companies arrive from China after the pandemic, supply will rise by 25 per cent to two million square meters in the north, real estate consultancy CBRE reported.

              It added that the trend of companies seeking to reduce supply chain dependency on China is likely to benefit Vietnam.”Surging demand from foreign manufacturers seeking to relocate to Vietnam – and a desire to commence operations as soon as possible – are driving demand for ready-built industrial properties,” said Thanh Pham, associate director of research and consulting services, CBRE Vietnam.Hieu Le, director of the firm’s industrial leasing services, said demand for warehousing has been mainly driven by e-commerce companies who are expanding storage space and distribution networks.After the pandemic is contained, the average asking rent for warehouses would increase by 4-11 percent, he noted.”There is growing consumption and distribution of groceries and fresh foods, which are set to accelerate occupier demand for temperature-controlled storage.”

              Analysts have said Vietnam’s industrial real estate could benefit from foreign investors moving production out of China. Apple, Google, and Microsoft are reportedly making plans to begin production in Vietnam this year. Customers have found some Apple wireless earbuds AirPods Pro carrying the ‘Assembled in Vietnam’ label rather than the traditional ‘Assembled in China’ tag.Vietnam’s average industrial land price is 43 per cent lower than that of Thailand and 54 percent lower than that of Malaysia, and its corporate income tax rate of 20 per cent is among the lowest in Southeast Asia.The country’s many trade deals, especially the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, which is set to come into effect this year, would be another factor in attracting foreign investors, it added.Vietnam has 260 industrial parks with an occupancy rate of 76 per cent, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment. Another 75 are under construction.Source: VN Express


                [counter formid:1551]

                胡志明市推進 「越南矽谷計劃 」

                The prime minister’s support for the ‘Vietnam’s Silicon Valley’ initiative has prompted HCMC to push ahead with a plan to merge three districts into one administrative unit.The plan, which will combine Districts 2, 9, and Thu Duc into one administrative unit and make it an “innovative urban area,” has been submitted by the municipal Home Affairs Department to the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee.

                The department has come up with the plan following a meeting between Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and the city.

                The plan to make a “city within a city,” temporarily called the “Eastern Town,” won the PM’s endorsement.

                This area has been in the making since 2017. City authorities said back then that the plan would generate a bright future for both local residents and businesses.

                It would encompass the hi-tech park in District 9, the university precinct in Thu Duc District, and the new urban area and financial center on the Thu Thiem Peninsula in District 2 to make one innovative hub to serve the city’s biggest plan to turn itself into a smart city.

                The “Eastern Town” is also expected to contribute to the establishment of value-added chains based on high technology, modern technical and social infrastructure of international standards, and effective financial support for businesses.

                It was to play a key role in linking scientific and technical research with commercial production to lift residents’ lifestyles to “international standards.”

                Le Van Thanh of the HCMC Institute for Development Studies had said: “This will be Vietnam’s Silicon Valley.”

                The innovative hub would cover more than 22,000 hectares (54,300 acres) with a population of over 1.1 million. Once the plan is implemented, HCMC will have 22 instead of 24 districts.

                PM Phuc, while endorsing the merger of districts, said its official name will be decided later. He also assigned the Ministry of Justice to guide the city on the next steps to take.

                Source: VN Express


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                  Gamuda Land 的綠化計劃和市鎮發展

                  “Every inch of land is gold,” is not a false proposition. It is especially true in real estate. Developers often own large plots of land with a large constructible area, which can easily be used to optimize profit. Yet now, property developers are intentionally going against this traditional formula.

                  Gamuda Land chose to add to Gamuda City and Celadon City to its portfolio of hundreds of products in Vietnam. In fact, Gamuda City in Hanoi and Celadon City in HCMC have become the largest private parks and some of the most valuable developments in each of the cities.Township developing with greening- initiatives have become an iconic trademark of Gamuda Land – from creating the concept its first visions to entering the Vietnamese market in 2007.

                  In Malaysia, Gamuda Land’s Kota Kemuning Wetland Park project, before receiving its prestigious awards for landscape construction, was a pioneering example in the field of urban development. Gamuda Land turned the pristine Klang Valley in Malaysia into one of the most livable residential areas on the island nation.When Gamuda Land came to Vietnam, the miracle of the Klang Valley Kota Kemuning Wetland Project was recreated in Gamuda City in Hoang Mai, Hanoi.From a swampy, deserted land, Yen So Park has become one of the friendliest eco-parks in the capital, attracting countless visitors. Locals and expatriates come to relax and picnic on the weekends. At the same time, Yen So Park also functions as a water conditioning system against flooding during the rainy season and even as a natural air conditioner during dry seasons.

                  Businesses usually do not “do it first, and think later.” But Gamuda Land’s bold approach in connecting the community with infrastructures first before building any residential precincts show to be extremely effective.  After the Yen So Park and its wastewater treatment was completed, Gamuda City became an international model for urban development. The township masterplan is now considered to be a “gold mine” in Southern Hanoi with skyrocketing investment potential, increasing year by year.Thanks to its greening initiatives, Gamuda Land’s value has significantly increased while its products are often associated with a safe and healthy living environment.While Gamuda Land focuses on providing luxury products the properties are close to nature, a trend which has shown to be essential to the middle- to high-income class buyers. Its ‘greening’ strategy has not only strengthened its credibility and but has also helped Gamuda Land establish brand trust among investors.Source: NHIP Cau Dautu


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                    您的寧靜綠洲 • 阿布扎比奢華海濱生活 Gardenia Bay by Aldar


                    Date: 27-28 April 2024 (Sat & Sun)

                    • 第一節:下午 2:00 – 下午 4:00(英文)
                    • 第二場:下午 4:00 – 下午 6:00(粵語)


                    嘉賓: 摩根士丹利前執行董事 Kingston Lai



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                    • 僅5分鐘車程到法拉利世界
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                    • 15分鐘車程到阿布札比國際機場


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